It's a BIG week. The AQUAMAN 80th ANNIVERSARY issue just came out and the first story is by me and my old accomplice Doc Shaner! It also features Salty The AquaDog so, you might want to leave for the store as soon as you're done reading this entry. Shaner and I will both be at the Rose City Comic Con this weekend, so if you're in Portland, Oregon come by and make us sign it. We'll be wearing masks, you'll know us by our banners.
ONI PRESS just did a new printing of UNDERGROUND by me and Steve Lieber- and I will also have that at the show (as will Oni!) It's got some extra material and we tweaked a few things so if you never got a copy before or lost yours, now's a fine time to acquire this new edition.
Also, it looks like I have a new book in the works with artist Drew Moss. Campaign coming soon, please click the Notify button for now! Much more on all of this and a new newsletter very soon.